Handmade is born with me, I like it since I was a kid. I started off with table cloth knitting, then cross stitch, felt and... have been stopping for awhile since being the mother of two... now my spirit is back!
When I see the final product, I really like it and I know this one can be sent out.
因为蛋糕是要分给四位小公主的,所以同事要我把它们分别包装。 这三块一盒的是送给三位公主的。
Since the cakes are for 4 little princesses, so it has been requested to pack individually. These 3pc pack is for her 3 lovely princesses.
The inner of the bag is fully plain cotton linen, just nice to match with the zakka style of the bag. I added a open pocket to keep some small items. The side pocket and inner bag was sew with snap buttons.
当然这不会是拿来送小主人的圣诞礼物啦,小主人的包已经缝好了咯,可是不能 po 上来,要等到小主人收到了才能见光。
Of course this is not the real tote bag for X'mas gift exchange. The bag for exchange will only be posted after our "little master" received it!