Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Purple Flowers Cosmetic Pouch 紫色小花化妆包

There has been some time after my last post of passport holder ya, just getting bit lazy to write in my blog furthermore I am quite tied up with my work job, so sometimes really rush during lunch time. Well, here I come...

It's a romantic purple cosmetic pouch! This pouch is purposely designed for my sis, who is a purple addicter (so am I!) Again this is 99.9% hand sew coz my machine boicot again after completed the 1% work, no matter how I beat her, changed to a bigger needle (as suggested by other crafter)... still didn't work, so at the end I gave up the machine and turned on hand sew.
这个包包是打算做给我老妹的,所以外包都用了她超爱的紫色。刚好收到Cutie Craft 的紫色棉麻,又翻出之前的收藏品- 苹果妈家的紫色小花和Sewing Life 的百搭紫色格子棉麻,嘿嘿。。。 刚好配的上。当然这也是手缝的作品咯!

Side of the pouch 包的侧边:

Back side 包的后面:

Base of the pouch 包的底部:

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