Saturday, November 5, 2011

10.5cm 老奶奶方型口金包 (客订包) 10.5cm Old Nanny Square Coin Purse (Custom Made Order)

为甚么会把这个口金包取名老奶奶呢?因为这个口金包是订来送给一位90 高龄的老奶奶。90? 我差点以为自己看错哦,人生七十古来希,能活到七十已经是不容易的事了,更别说90。

和这位客户交涉了几轮,才确认了包型,口金框和布料。很对不起这位顾客因为无法在她要求的期限里完成。因为我还不是一个全职的手作人, 无法在那晚上有限的几个小时里把包给完成。

希望这位老奶奶会喜欢我的包包, 也祝她老人家长命百岁!

This coin purse was ordered by a "walked-in" customer for a 90 year old nanny. Wow, 90! I never think of living until that old man and none of my grand parents could have lived at this age! So this must be a healthy old nanny? Hard to believe!

This order was came in with such a short lead time. After few rounds of negotiations, we finally confirmed on the pattern, frame size and fabric to be used. I felt sorry with this customer because couldn't fulfill her order in the requested lead time. No choice as I am not yet a full time crafter, unable to fulfill the order without few hours.

I hope this old nanny will like my coin purse, sincerely wish her healthy and long live!

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