Sunday, January 26, 2014

Grey Polka Dot Medium Frame Bag (Reserved) 灰点佳人中型支架口金包

This round I came up with an idea to make a medium size frame bag, couldn't decide which fabric to use, think, think, think... it took me few weeks to decide on grey polka dot. It supposed to be my CNY bag but after I posted on FB, my ex-colleague saw it and took it away from me. Well, I feel happy more than sad since there are someone who likes my creation...

最近手作的速度明显的放慢了很多, 不为什么只想把之前花在手作里的一部分时间花在其他方面. 只要灵感一到,我还是会埋头于我的工作台前的。就好比这个包, 前前后后想了很久, 包型, 大小, 提把, 口袋,装饰... 考量了很多方面后我才动工, 那是离农历新年两个星期前。是有点担心无法在新年前完工的,  因为最近的速度真的是龟速, 有时候可以只车了一条拉链就放置几天。 赶了几个晚上后终于把她缝完了, 解脱啊... 原本是想缝给自己当新年包包, 在把照片放上脸书后被朋友看中, 最终选择割爱。有人懂的欣赏你的作品是件快乐的事, 不是吗?

I do not like too fancy deco, so just put a lace rose label in front of the bag.

Another side of the bag was 3pcs of beads button, bought from one of the DIY shop few months ago.

The base was no.8 canvas, it is hard enough to cater for heavy loading.
底部用了八号帆布, 够挺。

The inner of the bag was a 22cm zip pocket + a partition to store some small items.
包包加了一个间隔, 好方便收藏一些小样的东西。一如往常的习惯, 包包有个22cm 长的拉链口袋, 好收藏一些隐秘的东西。

Another side was 2 big open pockets with a small lake blue bead button as deco.
包包有两个大大的开放式口袋, 中间放了个湖蓝色的插钉。

Guess this would be my last handmade stuff before CNY, wishing everyone have a prosperous Happy Horse Year!

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