Sunday, October 30, 2011

舞吧,女孩!加大版侧背包 (客订包) Let's Dance, Ballerinas! Enlarged Sling Bag (Custom Made Order)

又见侧背包了!这是续上回的大头娃娃侧背包后, 第二个款式一样的包。只不过这一回我加了很多口袋 (因为同事要求要有多多的口袋),而且包包也比原本的纸型大了30%。 这个包包是我的一位旧同事订制的,本来我打算在去英国前就把它完成,怎么知道之前的水桶包用了太多的时间,加上赶着收行李,所以唯有把它停下,等英国之旅回来后再继续。

It's sling bag again! This is after the red big head sling bag for my niece, another same design bag. But this round the bag is an enlarged version (enlarged by 30%) and lots and lots of pockets as requested. This sling bag was ordered by my ex-colleague and I supposed to complete it before my UK trip but too bad, plan is always too far to achieve, haha... I had used longer time on the drawstring bag as per expected and also had to pack for my luggage to UK. So no choice and delayed till my way back.

用了艾玛太太家的深灰色酒袋布,配上一群可爱的女孩们,更凸显了这几个女孩们的可爱哟!包里则用了百看不厌的粉色水玉。很担心旧同事能不能够接受这样的配搭呢?幸好早上她在看了包后很开心的 msn 我说她喜欢!这就是做客订包不好受的地方,因为你无法晓得你认为漂亮的东西是否也能得到共鸣。

I matched this Ballerina cotton linen with the dark grey canvas, it really works and the bag looks so nice! And for the inner bag, I chose the pink polka dot cotton. This is the nice natch in my point of view and worried will my idea been accepted too? Thank God that my ex-colleague told me thru msn that she likes this bag so much! This is the con for doing custom made orders, you always feel unsecure until your client give you a LIKE!

OK, let's look at the bag now!

包的前面 Front side of the bag

包的后面 Back side of the bag

包的侧面, 缝上了侧口袋, 一边一个。 Both sides of the bag, with 2 side pockets left and right.

包的里面,容量大的可以容的下两本书和钱包,手机和我那些有的没的东西 Inner bag, it can put in the 2 books plus all my things.

包的前面,也车了一个拉链口袋和一个开放式口袋 Front side of the bag with 1 zipped pocket & 1 open pocket.

包的尺寸 Dimension of the bag:长 (Length) 26cm X 宽 (Width) 26cm X 底 (Base) 14cm

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


我实在是不明白这个包的魅力,为何我老妹会连续两次都看上这个包, 而且是在事隔了将近一年后。没办法只好认命把这个她心仪已久的包完成。之前因为道行不高,所以迟迟不敢越雷池, 哈哈。。。现在有点慧根了, 才敢姑且试一试。


这是个容量很大的包包,可以放的下很多的东西。看着成形的外袋,我也对这个包着迷了!包的底部我做了出芽,这可说是整个包里最难做的部分,原本打算放弃了出芽,可是有想给自己一个挑战, 那下一回的作品才能更进步!


包的尺寸:42cm (宽)X 32cm (高) X 14cm (底)