Sunday, March 16, 2014

Owl Love Single Blanket (Custom Made Order)

This fabric was ordered from US, and it was my first time to buy fabrics from overseas. It took about 2 weeks to receive the fabrics, I was so scare that the fabrics might get lost or damaged during transportation. Luckily it reached me safely.

A mom of 5 chose this Owl panel for her 8-year-old daughter to be made into a single size blanket, no batting as the little girl is staying in a non-air-con room. She also requested to sew the little girl's name on the blanket too.

Hope both of them will like the design I have made out for them. Mostly in pink & orange which resemble a bright & youthful life of the little girl.

Completed size: 150cm (width) x 204.5cm (length)

Shinnie 娃娃钥匙包

我最近的手作风很盛,自新年前至今,我都在马不停蹄的忙于手作房中。除了大样的手作品外,我也爱手缝些小东西。 不管是在车上或等待女儿的当儿,都能打发时间,是我解闷的好帮手。这个钥匙包缝缝停听的应该有一两个星期吧,也没多在意,就是有空把她记得了就带在身边的那种。

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

520 双人方格拼布被 (客订)520 Double Squares Patchwork Blanket (Custom Made)

这是个旧同事也是个很谈得来的朋友向我订的双人拼布被。如果没记错,她在去年九月就向我订了,我啊却拖拖拖的以为她把这事给忘了,所以也没当一回事,怎么知道她在新年前又再次提起,还说要送人当情人节礼物呢。我的妈呀,我根本都没做过拼布被,该从何开始呢?赶紧上网搜索资料,确认了款式,颜色后就构思设计,大小,颜色的搭配,再开始订布。。。 真的一点也不简单哦。


Finished Size:242.5cm x 219.5cm

Couple Key Fobs (Ready Stock)

1) Bess & Ronnie Couple Key Fobs

2) Colourful Stripes Couple Key Fobs

Couple Key Fobs (Custom Made)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Pinky Mini Zoo Baby Quilt

A very bright & pinky animals panel chosen by my sister in-law for the quilt making for her coming baby in end of this month. This round I tried some other sewing method which I do not used bias tape to complete the four corners but "slip-in" the batting and quilted on top of the quilt.

Finishing size: 137cm x 115cm