Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Couple Bear Tuition Bag (Custom Made Order)

This is another tuition bag the mummy ordered for her eldest daughter who likes blue very much. I wasn't able to complete the bag before my vacation and was taking it lightly after back from vacation. Unfortunately the girl's birthday is just 3 days after the sister, so I rushed it within a day to complete it. Luckily I made it & able to hand it the bag one day before her birthday. Thank god she likes the bag very much!

Winnie The Pooh Tuition Bag (Custom Made Order)

This tuition bag was ordered by one of the mummy from my daughter's best friend as her youngest daughter's birthday present. Since the girl likes Winnie The Pooh very much, the mummy has requested the bag must be with Winnie The Pooh fabric & with her name embroidered on it.

Measurement: 26cm x 32cm x 10cm

Hello Kitty Dorayaki Coin Purse (Custom Made Order)

Sweet Pink Dorayaki Coin Purse (Custom Made Order)

A young mummy ordered few items for her daughters, dorayaki coin purse is one of them.