这也是Yamaha 院长向我订的零钱包,是要送给一位钢琴老师的。她说这个老师爱将小钱包收在裤袋里,所以要求做个小巧的零钱包。我想即然是要收在裤袋里,那就不能做太大或太厚的包包了。当下就想了这个圆形的设计。这个老师喜爱紫色,所以都选用了紫色的布料做拼接。
This is the order from the Yamaha's principal as well. It's for one of her piano teacher as birthday present (I guess!). She told me this teacher used to put her coin purse into her pocket, so she requested a small coin purse will do. So I chose to sew this small little round coin purse with some simple patchwork on one of the side.
Dimension of this coin purse: 10cm
This is the order from the Yamaha's principal as well. It's for one of her piano teacher as birthday present (I guess!). She told me this teacher used to put her coin purse into her pocket, so she requested a small coin purse will do. So I chose to sew this small little round coin purse with some simple patchwork on one of the side.
Dimension of this coin purse: 10cm