Sunday, December 30, 2012


这应该是2012 年最后的一件作品咯!
祝大家 2013 新年快乐!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

13.5cm 粉色佳人口金包 (Sold)

一直都很爱这块棉麻,可是一直都买不到。很难得竟然让我在艾玛太太家搜到,当然不会放过啦。。。可惜就只有半码。有朋友看中这块布想做大包, 可惜都不够,只好拿来做小物咯。



13.5cm 复古风口金包 (Reserved)

粉藕水玉斜背包 Pink Polka Dot Sling Bag (Sold)

不得不承认替包包取名字是一件苦差事, 往往我都以布料来明名, 要简单的来又不是太普通的,唉,一句话:难啊!

这款斜背包做过好几次了,我个人是很喜欢这款包,简单轻巧, 带出门也挺方便的。上回的那个卖了后,就想再做多一个,嘿嘿。。。 不过这回用了铺棉,包身自然的很挺,相对的包包也比较有“份量”咯。颜色方面选了我自己很爱的配色(我也曾用过这个配搭在另一个包款上哦!), 外加一个心型蕾丝在包盖当点缀。

包的里袋 - 两个开放式口袋。


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012 圣诞礼物 ~ 万用袋 2012 X'mas Presents ~ Multi Purpose Pouches

These are the X'mas presents for my colleagues in my department. Last minute changed my mind to give them my handmade stuffs rather than buying ready made. So fabrics have been chosen to suit their tastes, hope they like them! 

Merry X'mas & Happy New Year!

红发安妮简约包 Red Hair Anne Concise Bag (Sold)

这块红发安妮棉麻可以说一看上就喜欢了,简单的设计却不失童真!我很少会看上这些可爱风的布,可是这红发安妮却能吸引我。 看上这个简约包型很久了,苦于安排不到时间也没有心水布。一收到布时我就知道:时机到了!嘿嘿,赶完了订单一身轻,终于可以做个自己心仪很久的包咯!

选错地方拍照了,美美的包都被我拍的暗暗的, :-(






Thursday, December 13, 2012

Red Hair Anne Card Case

This is a nice cotton with Red Hair Anne on it. I still remember last year June when I first met the owner of Heart Handy, she showed us lots of her fabrics, and this Red Hair Anne was one of those. Of course I bought this fabric without further ado.

Same as the Purple Romantic, this will be parked at Heart Handy as well...

Here are some group photos for these 2 sisters before they being aparted.

Purple Romantic Card Case

This fabric has been lying in my fabric cabinet for at least a year ago. Sometimes when I see some fabrics, I really have the "Love at first sight" feel, so don't care what will I use it for, just grab and buy it before I feel regret for it, haha.... I love purple, purple has been in my life since decades ago (sounds like I am really old huhhhh)....

While doing custom order on this card case, I feel like doing a few extra to be parked at Heart Handy. The last two have been sold out quite some time ago and I guess it is time for me to park some new items there. This is a bit rough canvas with nice diamond shapes on it. I just simply fall in love for  its simplicity and the zakka feel. Hope someone who has the same taste with me will like it and buy it home.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Multi Purpose Key Chain Pouches (Custom Made Order)

Cheri & Chignon Card Case (Custom Made Order)

This has been the 2nd popular items in my handmade life! The same lady whom had ordered 3 card cases before ordered the 4th one from me as a birthday present for her friend. No special request on this, just requested to have the inner fabric in polka dot. While I was thinking what kind of fabric to use, suddenly I think of this pinky & sweet fabric, tried to match it with soft denim fabric, ahahhh... this is the feel I want! Well, this is the fun of handmade, you would never know what it will turn out to be, it all come by the sudden inspiration & gut feel.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Brownish Lace Tote Bag (Sold)

2012年相約做_美麗的拼布夾包第六回合 - 蝴蝶結禮物娃娃掀蓋式卡片夾包

终于来到了第六回合了!原本想放弃这最后的回合,可是在看到了这可爱的短夹后,我又说 服自己无论如何一定要把它完成,因为我实在太喜欢了!
