Monday, March 28, 2011

苏婆婆拼布活动之一 Supopo Applique Activity # 1

这是苏婆婆的第一炮, 用了鲜艳的棉布来配色。 想要来个摩登的苏婆婆,哈哈!

This is the 1st Supopo applique that I have made. Chose to have bright color for the matching, isn't it like a modern granny? Haha.... The time spent on this applique is shorter than what I had planned for, if I were more hardworking, I might able to complete within a day.
Recently I have been crazy on applique, one after another......

Sunday, March 20, 2011


终于都让我在最后的几个小时赶上了,真的是松了一口气!其实贴布的部分早就完成了,为了赶订单,所以只好把它放一边。 心想如果赶不急20/3 的话,那就算了咯。



Friday, March 18, 2011

苹果 i-Mac 笔电包(客订) Apple i-Mac Laptop Sleeve (Custom Made Order)

我老妹的同事买了苹果家的 i-Mac,可是却找不到它的套。所以就向我订了个笔电包来装她心爱的i-Mac. 刚开始我不敢接, 因为我从来就没做过这么高难度的东西,要是做到四不像怎么办?最后还是答应了,就当考验一下自己的工夫吧。

我很怕死,问了很多人的意见在才敢开工,嘿嘿。。。 谢谢雪仁,dawn, 和艾玛太太的指点哦,我才敢胆大大的做起来。

顾客是位年轻又充满朝气的小姐,选了甜美的Ballerina, 要求包包要耐脏的。因为布的另一面是浅褐色,所以我选了深褐色的酒袋布来配这个笔电包。希望她会喜欢 (不喜欢我也没办法了, 哈哈)。。。

My sister's colleague bought a Apple's i-Mac but couldn't find the case for it, so she asked me to sew her a sleeve to keep her beloved i-Mac. In the beginning I dare not accept this order as I have never made this kind of pouch before, I even told my sis to ask her buy from e-bay, haha...
After sometimes, she still came back and asked me the same thing. OK la, I accepted her request, just treat it as a challenge la...

It took me about a week to really work on the sleeve, I asked around for those expert to make sure that my idea is good and workable. Special thanks to Sharon, Dawn & Mrs. Emma.

The customer is a young and active lady, she has chosen the light brown Ballerina fabric and requested to have a dark sleeve so that it will not get dirt easily. Since she has made a special request, so I matched it with dark brown canvas for the outer fabric. Hope she would like my design.

This is the tough part which I hand sew the outline.
包的里面, 缝了一个口袋。
Inner of the sleeve, with a open pocket.
包包的侧边, 全是车缝压线。
Side of the sleeve, machine outline.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

又是一个快乐狗狗钥匙包(客订)Another Happy Doggie Keychain Pouch (Custom Made Order)

儿子背着马儿补习包到Yamaha 学琴,被眼尖的院长看到了,即刻向我订了一个还加了一个钥匙包来送给即将过生日的老师。因为老师的生日在20/3 加上学校放假(Yamaha也跟着放假),所以院长要求我赶一赶。花了两的晚上的时间把这个钥匙包缝好,就连三月的功课我也放一旁。


My son brought the Horse Canvas Tuition Bag to Yamaha for his piano session. The "eye shape" principal saw it and liked it very much, immediately ordered one from me + a keychain pouch for one of the piano teacher as her birthday present. But this order was very rush, I have to stop my on hand project just to complete this one before school holidays start. Luckily it only took me 2 nites to complete.

The principal request a 100% similar pouch as mine. But as picky as me, I don't like to repeat my handmade. Well, I still use the doggie fabric but with some slight changes on it, hehe.... Hope the piano teacher will like it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

二月爱秀场之新年福袋 February CNY Gift Exchange

这是做给二月的交换礼物- 新年福袋。听到这样的名字,不用想也应该要来个喜气洋洋的感觉。可是找完了我的布料却发现自己没有多少红彤彤应节的布料。来个脑筋急转弯,没有红色,粉色也应该可以吧。选定了布料的搭配,就开始裁布。 我还记得是在年初一开工的,因为初一一早没事干,就把袋子拿出来缝咯。
