Monday, October 22, 2012

红与蓝时尚抓皱包 (客订包) Red & Blue Checked Tote Bag (Custom Made Order)

Thinking of a name for my product is always a very painful task for me, I believe same goes to other crafters too! For most of the time, I would just use back the fabric's name as the easiest way! This is what I did to this bag, kakaka....

This order accepted last month when I had my chicken pox. My customer didn't believe I could have completed this bag in only one month period! Being a regular customer of mine, she would have to wait for at least 2-3 months as her past experience, haha! Yaya, I know my speed is slow.... For people who knows me well, I am really struggling every minute, every second I could have extra on handmade, being a working mum, to handle on both family & work is not easy, not even to mention my hobby. If not because of my passion on sewing, I would have given up long long time ago. Nothing special, just for a simple reason - I really really LOVE it!

This simple design has attracted most of people coz this is the no.5  that I have made on this pattern! Sounds great!

I was sewing both bags at one time.

英伦风情防水布抓皱包 (客订包) London View Waterproof Tote Bag (Custom Made Order)

这是我表妹向我订的包, 有点惊讶时尚的她也会看上手作包,哈哈。。。 她指定要防水布而我的防水布料并不多,幸好她看上这块白底的英伦风情。

美美的布不需要太多喧哗的装饰,配个简单的皮标就很够了, 你认同吗?

这一系列的照片都是在夏天散步 拍的,有没有很美呢?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Koh Family's Handphone Pouches (Custom Made Order)

褐色水玉防水布斜背包 Brown Polka Dot Waterproof Sling Bag

这个包花了我将近一个星期的时间完成,这次选的布料薄的太薄,厚的太厚,很伤脑筋一下。还加上pu 皮出芽,好久没做出芽了,还是头一次用pu 皮。 报着慢慢车,小心做的信念,还是让我顺利过关了,好险哦!

这是我五月的 To-do-list 里的其中一个包,要亲手做个包包好让我可以背着去普吉岛。可惜那个时候忙着赶订单所以被逼牺牲了自己的包包。但是我并没有因此放弃,脑海里老是常想起这个包。这次趁着年尾的趴趴走,缝了这咖包给自己。

表布用了二月在KL 败的滑面防水布和厚帆布。像我一贯的作风,口袋多多,可是还没超过18 个啦,哈哈哈。。。

Simple Snap Button Key Pouch (Heart Handy Handmade Class' Assignment)

快乐兔铅笔袋 (客订包) Happy Rabbit Pencil Case (Custom Made Order)

This pencil case was ordered by a young mummy for her 4 years old daughter. I was on and off sewing the applique, finally completed the pencil case 2 weeks ago.

The name of the little girl was sewn on the back of the pencil case... Madeleine.