Thursday, May 19, 2011

粉色点点马鞍包 Pinky Polka Dot Shoulder Bag


Recently I have addicted to make big bag, just simply sewing a big bag can give me more satisfaction. Chose to sew this bag is because I like the special design on the handle - could be used in 2 ways. I waited till the pre-order received, all the custom made order has been completed then finally started to work on this bag on Labour Day.

这个包包让我尝试了做出芽和钉四合扣,很不错的尝试。其实还有一点要说的是这个包酷像我看上的一款L 牌的大包包,那天上KL 的专卖店问了价钱,我几乎晕倒。普通版叫价5200, 限量版叫价8600。 妈呀,我老公一听到价钱立刻说这个你自己买。。。前两天把包包带到公司来亮给同事看后,同事说你省下了5200, 哈哈。。。

I learned some new technique from sewing this bag, it's a good try. Another most important thing to mention is this bag is very similar to the L brand bag that I have spotted. Last round when we were at KL I checked the price at the outlet. I got a shock when the sales assistant told me the price - 5200 for the normal one while 8600 for the limited edition (fully leather). Last 2 days I brought my bag to the office to show to my colleague, she told me you have saved up your 5200, haha...

做了两个容量超大的口袋, 那找起东西来就容易多了。
2 extra large pockets in the inner bag to store my things.

特别的肩带设计, 这就是我看上她的地方。
This is the speciality of the handles.

This bag is good enough to keep clothing for one day trip!

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